- Запознайте се с нашия екип Kostka!
Наистина интегриран екип от експерти, които обхващат целия свят.
Всички членове на нашия екип са висококвалифицирани и специализирани във всеки клон на индустрията за нокти.
Нашата мисия е да помогнем на нашите клиенти да направят отличителни, трайни и съществени подобрения в представянето си и да направят по-лесни и по-бързи работни умения.

Теодора Филипова
Дистрибутор за България
Т. Ф. педагог по Изобразително изкуство и финансист по образование. Навлиза в нейл индустрията през 2004 г. Води базови курсове по маникюр, педикюр и ноктопластика. Тя е прецизна в работата си и винаги се стреми към съвършенство. Обича красивото, открива го навсякъде около себе си и го пренася върху малко платно, а именно ноктите. За нея маникюрът не е само разкрасителна процедура, Изкуство. Теодора е щастлива, че е част от екипа на KOSTKA NAIL SYSTEM.

Céline Nguyen
Main Distributor - France
I am delighted to join the most talented KOSTKA NAIL SYSTEM team : dynamic and professional. As a distributor of KNS products in France, my main goal is to provide my privileged customers, my colleagues, and my friendly nails artists with excellent products in the treatment of nails. Believe me ! KNS products are quality products, which will give you complete satisfaction. See you soon, for new exchanges.

Cristina Albu
Main Distributor - Romania
My name is Cristina Albu, from Bucharest, Romania. I have a great satisfaction in achieving perfection and I love to change the architecture of nails.

Didina Gafton
Main Distributor - Spain
With an experience of more than ten years in the world of nails and trying different brands of products, I discovered this extraordinary brand that offers me everything I need for both salon nails and extreme nails. My new passion is the extreme nails that I discovered with Kostka Bojana. I am a perfectionist and with these products I can do spectacular jobs. Start competing in the year 2019 and win, second and third prize in "Beauty Leman, Switzerland", third prize in "Golden Brush, Ukraine and this year, first and third prize in extreme nails in" Nails World 2020, Georgia ". And I am not stopping here ...

Michaela Stanovský Jančíková
Main Distributor - Czech Republic and Slovakia
Michaela has been doing nail design Since 2004. She won several Czech and also international competitions, mostly at Stilleto, Pink & White and especially Poster category. She is a educator of many fields of nail design. “Every single thing I do in my life I do with love. I love everything which is done with thoroughness, passion and love. And because of that I am very proud that I can represent KOSTKA Professional Nail System.”

Assunta Carleo
Main Distributor - Italy
Assunta Carleo born in Polla on 11 October 1994. After completing her studies, for fun and a strong curiosity, she signed up in a nail basic course, and she fell in love with Nail Art. By the years her passion grew more and more, she participated in many courses, many of them taught by great professional from the Nails world. She became an Educator, at first at Indigo Nails Lab, than at Rebel Nail Progress. She has participated in many competitions, some international. Her works are very appreciated and published in the Nails and Beauty Magazines. Years go by but his training and his desire to improve increase. She is working in a renowned Beauty center in the province of Frosinone, where she works with passion and professionalism, and her clients love her.

Nancy Paltoglou
Main Distributor - Greece
Nancy Paltoglou was born in Athens Greece around 1978. When she graduated at her 20's the Fashion Design school she discovered how much she loves to create art, mix colours and put a part of her own in each of her creations. And the nail art was the next station. Now after following her path within these 15 years with many international and home discriminations she managed to create a modern and beautifull place to guide people who want to start with nails course or to help others to evolve the amazing and magical nail art. Her passion and her desire for creation never stops.

Orsolya Kunkliné Karikóand
Main Distributor - Hungary
My name is Orsolya Kunkliné Karikóand I am 28 years old and work as a Nail Master. I started this profession in 2015. I live in Debrecen. I think that a constant improvement and self-training is crucial, so I have participated in many trainings in the past few years. It is an extremely great opportunity for me to become a member of this professional team. I definitely believe that I will be able to further develop my self. I am looking forward to our cooperation with the Hungarian and the international team as well. The knowledge acquired is yours forever!

Maja Hozjan
Main Distributor - Croatia
Of my 27 Years of Work experience, for 23 Years I working at the Zagreb fair in the project team for the trade fairs. One of my favorite trade fair in wich I worked is Beauty days and Fitness. At this fair for the first time I learn about Nail design. Before 6 years I took over the co-organization from Zagreb fair side in cooperation with one of the most famous Nail designer of the World my Dear Kostka Bojana.

Nataša Prah
Main Distributor - Slovenia
I’m a 30 year old slovenian girl, born in Germany, who started her journey as a profesional nail designer, and since than I live for two things - for my family and for nail design. My mission - to show nail techs, that nail design isn’t just nail design. It’s art.